Trial and Error

By DawnC

Poor Cows

It was so cold over Chapel Common this morning that even the supposedly hardy Shetland cattle were lurking in the undergrowth rather than out in the open. They were right by the edge of the path but, fortunately, I spotted them before Basil did and got him on his lead - he's taken the whole herd (of five) on before so can't be trusted.

In other news, I was back at the vet's today with the dogs, Basil for his MOT and Polly because she's been limping. Had I been more on the ball (or perhaps read back through my blips) I'd have realised that Basil actually had his health check a couple of months ago and the reminder card I received was erroneous. So he got off lightly with just a big cuddle and kiss with Kirsty the vet, and Polly came away with some anti-inflammatories for her arthritic leg.

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