Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

After Dark in Our City

I love the way our community looks at night . . . all the lights are beautiful. Of course all those lights mean we do not live in some obscure, remote place void of civilization. Because yesterday I had shown the daylight views from two perspectives, I thought showing the evening would be complementary.

In yesterday's two views--the frame of snow covered Mt.Baldy is looking north and the other frame is looking south across the city of Corona. The view this evening is again looking south across Corona from Beacon Hill in the city of Norco (which stands for North Corona). In the far right-side of the frame you can see the Lake Norconian Club Resort which was in its heyday in the 1920s. It still looks grand from a distance, but is mostly in ruin and needs lots of repair. If you look carefully you can see the foothills in the south of our city.

I introduced two new classes today to this new semester. The population at the campus is huge currently. I think that is due to the economy. I took photos today of my students in the lab during orientation and I could have used those evening, but the shot seemed a little boring.

I also had a lovely photo from the King's Fish House restaurant where we ate this evening (went there because we had a gift card and so many establishments are going out of business that we thought we should use the card). Mr. Fun ordered grilled salmon. I had angel hair pasta with basil, garlic, fresh tomatoes, and shrimp. Both were superb!

Tonight my throat is no longer sore, but my sinuses are full and I keep sneezing. Some have said it will take two weeks to get over this. Well, I came home with it one week ago today. So I am half-way there.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie, aka Carol

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