Beware I

Here's Adolf Hitler's Munich residence.   He bought the second floor flat (nine rooms) in 1929 and then the whole building just before the war.   He stayed here often during the war.  An air raid shelter was constructed under it in 1942.   The contents of his flat ended up in the US as souvenirs post-war and it is now a police station to keep it in state hands and under control.

I held the original street door handle today and saw a couple enter and climb the wide but ordinary flight of stairs to the lift level.

Here's the thing . . . it all looks very fresh, just like yesterday because it IS just yesterday.  

A single human life span takes us back to when Hitler crossed the threshold of the door that you can see just right of centre frame.  He would climb the stairs to his bath and bed - remember Munich was the cradle of the Nazi party and he used this place throughout the war, as confirmed by my local source.

Also, remember that I was born just fifteen years - that’s nothing - after the atrocities of Auschwitz, which Hitler set in motion, were revealed.

So, don't be surprised if all this happens again.

Really, beware!

It doesn't take much . . . a few clever bad men and many stupid others.

These flats could once again become inhabited by people with the same wishes of Hitler and his disciples . . . in the blink of an eye.

If we, as people interested in good, do not speak up then the risk of another calamity amplifies.  Please speak up!

In other news, I slipped into the chapel of IESE business school in Munich at about 11.15 and prayed, giving thanks for the life of Stuart Gallagher, DD’s first cousin who died suddenly last week at the age of 59.  Dd was at the funeral today and reports that it was a wonderful day with men from all walks of life shedding their tears of love for a wonderful and much missed man.  RIP Stuart.  And well done Dd for being present alone at the heart of her small but dear family.

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