Twenty-Two Years

Twenty-Two years ago Clare and I married at Devoran Church, it remains as one of my happiest days.
Clare often jokes that she reminds me every day how lucky I am and indeed I am!
We celebrated by venturing out to Truro for more dress making bits ‘n’ pieces and took the opportunity to have an ‘Anniversary Lunch’ in our favourite deli, sandwich and coffee, good as anything.
We received a rather large card from our son Joshua, (second photo), and a long telephone conversation with our daughter Samantha.

On my social media feed a ‘memory’ came up from February 2009.
A long message that my Mum sent me just before she came to spend a week or two with us. Reading the message again ten years later it’s clear how desperately sad Mum was following the death of my Dad the previous April.
Social Media - not all bad!

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