Passive Information Collection

The only way to break this spell of not posting to Blipfoto is to simply break it, so here is my lampshade just before I turned out the light last night. Maybe this will help me get around to backposting.
I'd been trying to describe what happens when you don't have access to the internet (or when it's been so slow you just can't use it without throwing your device across the room). How hooked I've become!
How many times do I stop reading something in order to look up a word, name, phrase, map, etc? I love doing it, but it's so distracting: pretty
soon I'm learning about peloton/Peloton when I was reading about breaking phone addiction in a piece by Kevin Roose, "Do Not Disturb: How I Ditched My Phone and Unbroke My Brain." Not surprising, he says, "Digital wellness is a budding industry these days, with loads of self-help gurus offering miracle cures for screen addiction . . ."
I have so many recent photos to go through; they add up so quickly, soon you're a week or more behind. You should see the length of my Saved For Later list of barely started or entirely unread articles in the NYT.

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