
Took some photos of Grace today and was struck by how grown up she's looking all of a sudden.

I took Grace to Carlisle this morning to pick up our car Belinda (named for the fact we'd bought her at the same garage back in December, but only those who remember the late 1980s would probably get that...).

Belinda broke down during our stay in Scotland earlier this week. Though we had terrible service with the garage we took her to in Portobello, I can't speak highly enough of that which we received from the one in Carlisle. They came up to Edinburgh, dropped off a hire car (a very nice turbo diesel model - raarrrrrr) and took Belinda back to Carlisle to be fixed. She was ready to pick up again by lunchtime the next day. That's efficiency! OK, so it cost some money, but only half as much as the AA were going to charge. The garage dealt with things calmy, quickly and in a very friendly manner.

It would be easy to write a complaint letter to the unhelpful garage, but it isn't worth the effort. Instead, I'm going to write to the Carlisle folks and praise them up, especially the guy who handled things for us there. He was always onto a winner, seeing as he stayed employed by the company for the entire duration of our dealings with him, unlike the Scottish chap I spoke to the other day.

Other not so good news though - Hubby's chest pains from the other day have been worsening, so he went to the doctor, who diagnosed early stages of pleurisy.

Have uploaded some other photos from Scotland here.

A year ago: The Stepford Sheep

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