The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

Calne (Saturday 23rd February 2019)

I walked into Calne this afternoon via the River Marden and came upon this host of golden narcissus on the riverside alongside the main road. The swan in the Extra was gliding up the canal at the Wharf (I've recently discovered that this isn't the juvenile having grown up, as there is a group of one adult and two full-grown cygnets hanging out on this stretch now).

23.2.2019 (2029 hr)

Blip #2851 (#2601 + 250 archived blips taken 27.8.1960-18.3.2010)
Consecutive Blip #002
Blips/Extras In 2019 #28/265 + #017/100 Extras
Day #3255 (665 gaps from 26.3.2010)
LOTD #1993 (#1834 + 159 in archived blips)

Calne series
Flora series

A Walk To Calne, 23 February 2019 (Flickr album of 9 images)

Taken with Pentax KS-1 (Blue) and Sigma AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 APO DG Macro lens

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - Narcissus (1967)

One Year Ago:
Sells Green

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