Memories are made of this?
No, not made of plastic, made of Radio Luxembourg.
The first radio in our house preceded the mains "electrickery" by a year or three. I can't remember the exact voltage, but I remember Mam soldering twin-cell bike torch batteries onto a board about 1' (30cm) or more square on which it ran until a new set of batteries was required.
It was a HUGE thing.
OK we were small, but I remember it as about twice the height of this one.
It sat on a shelf above "The Red Chaiir" which remained the Red Chair, even after Mam recovered it in green.
Jerra and I used to sit one atop each wing, ears glued to the speaker to detect the faint strains of "Dan Dare, pilot of the Future", or whetever it was then called, before the "Eagle" comic.
I don't seem to remember that plethora of stations either. e.g. ONE Radio Lux. ONE of anything there and a lot fewer too.
I shall refrain from repeating the utterances from "Mother" (Gran) reference his antics. I don't suppose she'd have shamed a sailor, but at times she might have run him a close race.
I spotted this in one of the town shops and couldn't resist it, looking NOT buying.
Apart from the material of manufacture, and size; it also predated V.H.F.
Ours was wooden(ish), it may have been veneer over ply, with cloth over the speaker, and replacable bulb-sized valves rather than anyhting as small as the yet to be invented transistors.
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