Happy place
Mainly a gardening day for me. Piper and Joey (and TallGirl) came to help, with the bunnies mainly in charge of trying to dig up the broad beans, and being unbelievably cute washing the soil off their noses. Here, Piper has found her happy place hiding under the rosemary, with lettuce and kale in easy reach.
Planted an apricot tree, weeded everything and tied in the honeysuckle.
Later, off to deliver the bunnies to their holiday home, where the bunny carer gave his approval to our potential new pets plan - his only stipulation is that they won’t take reptiles.
Dinner, and a quite extraordinary amount of water pouring and drinking incompetence from the kids. Lots of skiwear searching, and ready for a too early start in the morning (given Netflix just started a new Better Call Saul épisode and it’s already past my bedtime.
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