
I have made another little 'friend' and I am so happy to introduce him (her?) to everyone.  This little beauty is an Eastern Cottontail which I have nicknamed Cotton. There are actually three such rabbits in the area, that I know of, but this one has slowly become braver and now if I go to the spot and wait patiently, 9/10, I will be rewarded.  What I love is that it is not looking for food so I chose this photo to illustrate how it is very wise and finds food quite efficiently. 

I actually sat down in the snow and let it hop and sniff its way around me.  A little red squirrel was enticed to come closer - as it likely thought that Cotton must be getting some treats and didn't want to be left out!

This is the first winter that I have seen rabbits. I am just glad that Cotton hops back into the thicket for protection when I leave.  There are so many raptors in the area now so not a good place for rabbits in the open!  Two Northern Harriers are now flying between the field and meadow (so over the woods which is in between).  I guess hunting for food has been more difficult to find with the amount of snow and ice that remains. Several Red Hawks are seen frequently, a Kestrel, and of course, the Barred Owls.

A lovely, peaceful Saturday to recharge...hope you did the same!  Thank you as well for all the supportive words yesterday!  :))

D x

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