Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

And The Winner Is...

So a few months ago I uploaded one of my pictures and entered a local photography competition and the next thing I know I'm a finalist. I try not to freak, I ring Aliellerb and borrow a dress, I take the day off work for the awards dinner and get my hair done, I have this soooooooooooooo under control. I've gone three stops on the bus on my way to the Baltic, hold on, where's my house keys? I've locked myself out. I get back on the bus, I go home, it's ok, I've only left my key in the door, no locksmith required.

I get back on the bus I just got off, and I'm only 10 mins late for what is one of the most bizarre nights out EVER. I had a couple of glasses of wine and before I know it I'm up on the stage collecting the award as the winner in the Places category. And this is the winning entry!

So here go the thank yous. Thank you Port of Tyne for running such an amazing competition. Particularly for their commitment to the young people of the North East. Seriously, check out their videos, they're awesome. 'Tyne' was my favourite and brought a bit of a lump to my throat. The girl who made this was only 14 and we both had a bit of a giggle as we had our press pictures taken. I also loved 'TVLB and the Tyne'. Just stunning, and speaks for itself really. A big thank you also to Pete Zulu for picking me and getting me through the evening.

The finalist's pictures are all on display in the Baltic Gallery for the next 6 weeks so if you're visiting the toon, stop in a take a look. Now, back to the day job :-(

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