Stop, Look, Listen, Aylesford

Today was definitely a day of two halves. This morning was so thick with fog when I went for a run that I felt as if I was a myopic Mr. Magoo. Visibility was so poor that when jogging across a local field I felt very disorientated, as if the world was closing in around me. I also forgot that the air was damp, so by the end of my run my hair and beard were covered in lots of tiny water droplets.
By midday the fog had melted away to be replaced by another gloriously sunny, warm day. Therefore, me and my brother went for a drive to find this art gallery in the countryside that we had heard about - only to finally get there (we got lost a couple of times) to find it was closed because of staff illness! So instead we found a nice pub for a drink.
Today's title was about the appreciation I feel at weekends of just being able to stop, look and listen.

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