Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Woke really early after a rubbish sleep. Saw there was dew on the grass so went down with the camera. 

Kind of appropriate for today as I have been feeling exhausted, tearful, agitated, sore. I also haven't been able to eat today. 

I had a small panic earlier where yet again I cut. 

I phoned Mum to cancel her; couldn't face an afternoon with her. Told her the basics and she said 'oh well, that's ok, I'll just get on with housework'. No questions etc.

I have been trying to think what this is all about and it clicked a few minutes ago. On Friday there was a news story about  the 6yr old girl how was murdered and sexually assaulted by a 16yr old. I listened to it and had to switch it off. This kind of story is where my mental health story starts so maybe subconsciously it's still in my head. 

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