
My turn to get BB out to school today – surprisingly it all went quite smoothly and I made it to the station in plenty of time, with no hold ups.  As I waited for my train, the train going to the borders stopped at the station.  It was made up of SIX carriages – mostly empty.  My train came into the station around five minutes later.  It was made up of TWO carriages going to Edinburgh at peak commuting time. It was packed, but somehow I managed to get on.  I know they have to move carriages around to get them in the right place at the right time – but this seems the wrong way round.

Work was busy, with a difficult decision made and to be followed up next week.

I rushed home to get BB to football on time.  While he was training, I went for a  walk, by myself this week.  I am so looking forward to the light nights so I can vary my football walking route.  Once we were home, BB had to finish revising his French, for a test tomorrow.  He hasn’t really got the hang of studying and revising yet, and no matter what we say or try to advise, it doesn’t go down well.

I popped out at lunchtime to buy a birthday present and spotted this at the top of Broughton Street.  I am sure it has been there for a long time,  but I don’t think I have ever noticed it before.

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