a new year!

By Thesalh70

Not the end of the world after all...

Crap nights sleep, awake at 3.30, cuppa at 4.30, snooze at 5.30, up at 6.30.

So for some reason I thought that 12.12.12 was the end of the world! Therefore, I had an extra half hour in bed, 2 poached eggs and played the bee gees live album on the way to work!

Slightly better day today than yesterday. Good meeting first thing with Vic. Met with Triv at lunch for coffee, which was nice. Did a little chrimbo party dress shopping too. Saw this shop on the way back...I am the complete opposite of that!!

Crap journey home and eventually in for 7pm. Dinner, relax with Pete and then work on Fridays disco....

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