
My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess,

Look at that weather! Just LOOK AT IT.

It was COLD today. There's been some cyclone thingy or other. I'm not sure. The point is that it's been chilly. I actually had to wear a jumper to walk to work. Context: last week I was walking to work in a t-shirt*.

So it was a bit of a shock to the system. But I'm going to stop talking about boring things now because Princess Normal just INTERRUPTED this blip to call me. 

It's been a good chat too. I think between the pair of us we have used the word "vagina" about 20 times. Oh yes, we are very highbrow**.

She is going to call me back to finish this chat shortly. We may move on to nobs. Probably bums as well.


* Also knickers. I am not an animal.

** We also discussed Christchurch, decorating, baking and lack of storage. But mainly vaginas.

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