
Went to work, worked, even when I only had one class, went back home ... but not before joining the subject team for a farewell-retirement dinner for a departing colleague.  I wanted to give him a gift and thought first of a cup-and-teapot set (he likes those things, I know) but then convinced myself he'd already have maybe one or two of those, so decided on a book.  It had to be in English because he was also a Business Comm and English lecturer (one of the original crew who set up our program!) but not a thriller or other.  It had to be one with ... some humour.  And what better topic to motivate one to keep a sense of humour than a current event?  He liked it a lot!  The restaurant wasn't all that fabulous, though, but never mind, the company was.  We started at 18.00 and left at 22.00.  A fab evening!

The Lottery of Birth MOOC is going along just fine and I know I'll get it done by Sunday.  In the meantime, I can catch up with my sleep now as I'll be enjoying 10 days of holiday starting tomorrow.  How neat is that?

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