
By Annieone


Might look a bit odd.....but I was wondering how I was going to manage to walk and cross the road in town this morning to get to my GPS decided to try this umbrella as a ‘walking stick’ and it worked a doubt, I looked a bit weird on such a beautiful sunny morning but I didn’t care it gave me balance..!
I’m very glad I went to my GP for advice...she gave me Serc tablets for the dizzy...and recommended that I try to have my hearing test sooner as my ENT mans audiologist is out sick for 6 weeks..but I know these specialists can be a bit ‘iffy’ about accepting things from other sources..I’ll see!!
I’ve only taken one of the tablets and I haven’t had too bad an afternoon.....whether that’s wishful thinking or not ...but I’ll be hopeful...thank you for all your good wishes yesterday...xx

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