Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

New glasses

That’s two days in a row. Yesterday it was spectacles and today it is the drinking variety.

TSM bought these and had them delivered today. They fit nicely in our new sideboard and are rather lovely, with something of an Anglo Saxon ring to them.

I’d like to do a bit more entertaining now the house is in better shape. But my preoccupation today is that I have have been in a lot of pain, which has taken me by surprise as it is very different to what I am used to. Keeping busy helped take my mind off it; made some blocks to go under the dining room sofa (easier to eat when you don’t have your chin on the table). Sorted out the cookery books (look out charity shop). Started sorting out my workshop for the spring. Listened to woman’s hour whilst working in the kitchen which was very good. Jane Garvey is an excellent and thoughtful presenter. And I learned of a surprising connection between Maya Angelou and the Mitford sisters.

I was also very clumsy today, banging my head and treading on screws and walking into lampshades. My most spectacular episode was knocking hot candle wax all over the floor. Strider very kindly took care of it come evening.

Now to bed and hoping to sleep it off. Hoping this is just a flare up and that tomorrow will be better.

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