Down to the wire

The fine weather continues with temperatures at least 18c, warm enough to sit out in the garden for lunch - in February. And yesterday, in Wales, a temperature of over 20c was recorded for the first time ever in a winter month in the UK. Warmest winter day on record!

We all know about climate change, we can do our bit but we can’t make much of a difference unless those in governments around the world have the will and courage to stand up for the world rather than appease big business and multinationals who seem to be bereft of any care or concern for those who will be following us on this planet.

I, we, have no voice to influence or challenge decision makers, locally or nationally in any sphere you care to mention from education to the environment and all points in between.

Somewhat different journal today. None of the “daily record” of our lives. We walked, we worked on various things and we went to Rock Choir.

Thanks Laurie for hosting Mono Monday. “Down to the wire” prompted a different response than I expected even the photo is not related to the sentiments expressed above.

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