The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Hat Trick

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I did THREE things today that I really don’t like doing:

I went into shops on Princes St
I went to Ikea and BROWSED
I went to the supermarket


AND I even stayed sane*.

I didn’t even want to go postal in die-kea which may be a first. On the rare occasions that I go there, I spend most of my time complaining that I have had to go ROUND THE WHOLE F’IN place to get the ONE thing I came in for, and then wonder how I managed to leave with a whole load of items that I didn’t know existed but which I am convinced will be somehow be life changing. As a result of these trips, I own ‘useful’ boxes of all shapes and sizes, a carrier bag dispenser and about 5 trillion food bag clips (which I store in one of my many boxes). Unsurprisingly, none of these items appear to have changed my life. At all.

The one light at the end of the tunnel in the warehouse from hell Is the joy of mini Daim bars. I absolutely love them. Although not as much as my neighbour’s dog, Dodger who got his paws on an unopened bag and scoffed the lot. He was pooing the wrappers for days!


**RUDE. It’s all relative.

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