Lunch at Sea Thai Bistro

We went to an Oscars party last night at Dana and Jim's house. We knew everybody there because they have been good enough to include us on other occasions. Matt didn't know anybody, but he inherited all the Eastman genes for fitting in and getting along. 

OilMan and I don't go to the movies much, but I still love the Oscars. I don't really know why, except that what people wear is always interesting to me as well as seeing some of the most accomplished actors of our time struck dumb when their names are announced, while others surprise us with their graciousness and tributes. Olivia Coleman finally managed "Oooh, it's genuinely quite stressful..."Mahershala Ali, who is from Oakland, dedicated his award to his grandmother. Spike Lee jumped into the arms of presenter Samuel L. Jackson and urged, "Let's be on the right side of history. Make the moral choice between love and hate. Let's do the right thing..."

The fashion was all over the place...the men wore gowns (Billy Porter) and red velvet suits (Stephen James), the women wore everything from tuxedoes (Tina Fey) to fluttery yellow tulle (Constance Wu) to bead encrusted dresses which weighed in at 42 pounds and took 40 craftsmen and 3 million beads (Glenn Close).

There were controversies...Green book was criticized as retrograde and inauthentic (Come on,'s the movies) and allegations of sexual assault were leveled at Bohemian Rhapsody's director, Brian Singer, who was fired in -mid production....all very Hollywood.

The best part, in my opinion was the fact that there was no host. It shortened the whole thing by almost an hour, took away the necessity of rushing everybody off stage before they could finish thanking their mothers and their lawyers...

We took Matt out to lunch at the Sea Thai Bistro before he had to hit the road for the airport. It had started raining (again) by the time we went and is supposed to continue heavily (another atmospheric river) through tomorrow. The handblown glass lights on the ceiling represent schools of fish, squid and seaweed and are quite eye catching. The piping hot bowl of noodles with peanut sauce was perfect for a miserable day...

it was a wonderful weekend spent with our children in a variety of ways...all of them fun.

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