The Enchanted Forest

Errr...Well actually the downside trail from Mt Victoria this morning via the Mobile Monet App and produced in mono.
The weather came totally right today but The Boss has kept his jeans on and I think the official "summer" garb may be history until next year as we are returning to Wanaka for a time (Not yet) and the mornings are a lot cooler than Wellington now.  
we have had some "engineering" alterations (there was a concrete wall in the way) with our wifi and now have 100Mb/sec speeds so The Boss celebrated by watching "First Man" on Apple TV last night. He was disappointed...but it probably wasn't what he had expected and not even technically accurate but at $0.99c probably no surprise. 
We also had some proper LED light fittings installed and were very impressed with that. Subject to The Bossess's approval we will do some more as the quality of light is very much better than the older halogen fittings and they cost a fraction (8%) to run. 

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