Tense, Nervous Headache?

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess Normal,

I know I make it sound like I do next to nothing at work, but actually I do produce a fair bit of work.

The downside to doing things is that people occasionally expect you to deliver stuff. This last week I've been receiving spreadsheets of data to upload into the system. Obviously because people are useless, the data wasn't in the format I required. So I spent all of today sticking data together and getting it loaded and checking results and reporting on errors. 

Eight hours of intense concentration later, I had the MASSIVEST headache. I got home, slapped a cold pad on my forehead, took a big load of paracetamol and collapsed into bed. This little guy cuddled up, because he always knows and takes care of me when I'm sick. A couple of hours later, I got up to be sociable. 

However, the headache just wouldn't go. I grumpily sat on the couch, feeling mildly ill with it and thinking I might have to go back to bed. Caro decided to join me, carrying her books and her notes and her laptop and her mouse.


The mouse slid off the top of her laptop and fell in the cat water bowl.

"I think it's all right," she told me. "I just need to dry it off." She disappeared into the kitchen.




"Do we have a spare mouse?"

Honestly, I thought I was going to SH*T myself laughing. I laughed so hard and Caro looked so pissed off about it that I just couldn't stop. The more her face turned to thunder, the more the tears poured down my face.

And all of a sudden I felt a lot better. It was weird. Like laughing at my wife make a TOTAL BIG FOOL of herself released all that pent-up tension*.

So now I feel much better. But didn't feel up to taking a picture earlier. So here is one of Caro's of a handsome little therapy cat.


* Fortunately she saw the funny side too. I still have both bollocks.

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