For bravery

This is the bravest person I know. She was born nearly fifteen years ago with a condition called a cystic hygroma. She was up against it from the start, enduring experiences such as spending a couple of days in hospital connected to an antibiotic drip before she could even walk and having to drink some of the foulest medicines I've ever sipped (or even just smelt).

And yet despite all this she has grown up to be a be a positive and outgoing young woman, with a tremendous sense of humour; she's one of the funniest people I've ever known.

Today, we went down to Great Ormond Street for an appointment with the consultant ahead of an operation on one of her ears later in the summer. A surprise addition to the agenda was an endoscopy of Abi's throat, using a camera passed up through her nostril. 

My God, it was like the reverse of watching a conjuror pulling a string of knotted hankies out of his sleeve as more and more lead went up her nose but Abi was unabashed, took it in her stride, and even made a couple of jokes. She's ready for whatever life throws at her. 

Here she is on the train home, looking like a typical fourteen year old on their phone, but actually she's an absolute hero. 

-11.4 kgs
Reading: 'Matter' by Iain M Banks

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