
By DDon


I am in the process of cleaning out my drawers and closets, and there is much to clean. I found a box of photos and artwork and such of and from kids over the years. These once were on my walls in room 29, my home for 11 years, but they have stayed in the closet since I moved into the new wing four years ago. This card is from one of the funniest girls I ever had in class, Molly. Her font, that of a four year old hand, typifies her goofy persona. I used to laugh when Molly worked on a yearbook page. When technology didn't work in her favor, a blue streak of language that would red-face a longshoreman poured forth from Molly, just loud enough to pick up from across the room. I will say this now: Molly, I am so glad you are my friend. Love, D-Don

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