Journey Through Time

By Sue

12-12-12 and Joy...

Happy 12-12-12!!

Today we went to see my cousin, Jacque, sister to Jeri who you know as Rainy Day in Oregon. She gave us some elk sausage! Yum. And this is her wonderful border collie, Joy. Joy is 10 years old and has had a thyroid condition so her beautiful coat is suffering because of that. As a Border Collie, this dog is highly intelligent and Jacque had this dog doing so many tricks that she could have put on a show. This dog is such a doll baby. She is very affectionate and was eager for some petting. I was happy to oblige.

We came back home today and drove by Clackamas Town Center, a place where I worked for 5 years for JC Penney. I'm heartbroken to think some troubled punk kid could go into that mall (yesterday) and cause panic, confusion and chaos which led to the deaths of 2 people and the wounding of a 15 year old girl. The police were awesome in the handling of the situation and even though the loss of two people is two too many, it is extremely fortunate that more people weren't killed or hurt. Some young men are just crazier than hell. That's my explanation anyway.

Have a good day, my friends. See ya later.

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