An afternoon wander in the woods at White Moss. This was taken before I went ankle deep in bog. I’d been out for a walk early this morning when it was frosty and misty but the afternoon pics are better. Between these outings I was on my knees weeding the front garden - that’s the sunny side of the house in the morning. 

Yesterday I posted some back blips but with very little text because I didn’t know what to write. We’ve been over in the north east visiting my aunt, now in residential care, and sorting through a few things in her house. Difficult, as she still thinks she will be able to go home but that's most unlikely for a number of reasons. 

We defrosted the freezer, happy that a neighbour took the last of the food. Tinned food has been given to our local food bank. We’ve brought back some things for safe keeping and filled a few storage crates with bits and pieces to look through. Some interesting and at times emotional finds.

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