Global Warming

It’s been unbelievably warm again today, although I haven’t seen much of it as I stayed in bed until about 11am with Bobbie & Milou snuggled up, keeping me company. And as much as I would have liked to have been out in the sun. I think the rest has done me good, I feel a bit better than I did yesterday.

I left home slightly earlier than usual this afternoon and got off the bus at the Palace Pier and strolled along the seafront to work. I was hoping that Al the bubble man would be there, as he was last week, but unfortunately he wasn’t. Still it was a lovely walk and there were so many people eating outside in the sun and sat on the beach. There were even people in the sea! You really could be forgiven for thinking it’s summer, although I believe it’s set to get colder again after tomorrow.

Work’s been busy and now it’s that quiet last hour when the final patients of the day are in and the phone has stopped ringing. Chance for me to do a bit of catching up on Blip.

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