What's not to love

How cool is a children's bookstore that has a chicken, several cats, a tarantula, two chinchillas, two ferrets and a rat running loose in the store? I met my favorite young person and my favorite small boy over the lunch hour to see for myself. It is a wonderful thing when someone so small recognizes you and comes running. The small one and I searched for the chicken for a while then woke up the lazy ferrets and marveled at the chinchilla's soft fur. At the toy store we pushed three teddy bears around in a toy shopping cart and played with the dollhouse on display. Some lunch was gobbled up and off they went. More than a week had gone by since I saw him and there are all sorts of things he does that are new. Like going rrrraaaaaa at the stuffed tiger. I can't wait for January, when I'll take care of him every Friday.

Digital rendering done, only three revisions this time.

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