But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Sink Hole.

I first noticed this very round hole in what we jokingly call our lawn a few months ago. It has every appearance of being man (or woman) made, though no one will admit to making it. It is two inches in diameter, a bit over a foot deep, very vertical and, today, has some soil around it’s rim; something appears to be using it.
The plot thickened when our gardener found three more in an adjacent flower bed and I, while investigating them, found a fourth. These are a variety of shapes and sizes with two of them being wide enough to accept a hand; and, having inserted such an implement, I was able to feel that there are tunnels leading off to the sides of them. When I remember, I’ll set up the camera trap to do a little surveillance.
It was today that I noticed honey bees amongst our snowdrops and crocuses, a sure sign that they are raising brood ready for the spring. Since they have a nice warm home with a well stocked pantry to return to in the evening, they should be able to cope with any blizzard or gale that nature wants to throw at them before we can say that winter has past. I’m not so confident about the queen bumble bees that were also abroad, though I am sure that they have some sort of coping strategy; after all, they have had a few tens of millennia to evolve a suitable tactic.

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