Reikes small life...

By Reike

I sat Djeili on the vet's scales this morning, and the lady has gained a kilo of weight! I decided for us both to go to fat camp, and so we had another cycle ride today. As it was 18°C it was a bit warm for her... Properly knackered out and happy to have a bath in one of the fountains in the village afterwards. 

Picture is some art on a wall in the town of Chur. The layout of the city is depicted in the pink area, quite clever.

Philipp and I joined a tour in the old city of tour tonight. It was about legends from medieval times, told by a cool lady who dressed up as night watch for the occasion (long black cloak, black hat and such). We all walked with little lanterns through the dark city, I was feeling a bit like a garden gnome, carrying my lantern. At the end we had to guess which of the stories was the only invented one ;) Ended the tour with mulled wine for everyone to warm up again, temperature had considerabbly gone down. A really nice and interesting tour!   

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