Two Dollar Flowers
Since yesterday was Wild Tuesday for me, I decided that today should be Tiny Wednesday. I knew my dad had a stash of two dollar bills because every once in a while he would give one to Becky (when she was little). For those who don't live in the USA, they are very rare. I always "bought" them from her so I could save them. After Dad passed on, I found several more among the things in his desk drawers. So they moved to my desk drawer until I saw these clever flowers on Pinterest one day. :-)
Thank you to everyone for your visits and stars and hearts. They are all very much appreciated!
The weather is good, none of us are sick and there are no other reasons not to have dinner with my brother and SIL tonight. The last four times we have planned it, something has caused us to cancel. So tonight is the night! I am always grateful for time spent with family!
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