Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Lovely sunset ride for Eva. Can't believe the weather we are having.

Spent morning doing jobs at home. Then went to the yard. Lime had a trim till the battery died half way through. Then we had a 30 min hack in his new full support leg wraps. Who knows if they make a difference. He felt good. But I know I can't trust him to tell me otherwise. He was certainly happy to be out.

Kids wanted to go to the park straight from school. All their friends were there. Tobes was super tired tonight as spent the day at a rugby festival at the tigers ground. He had a really good day.

Evening of admin and ranting to myself about HRMC. They want you to pay tax before you've even had chance to earn the money to be taxed on! #Howtoshaftasmallbusiness.

Extra of Lime after his roll after his ride! And one of Tobes and Jack. Tobes really loves him. I need to buy him a hat!

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