I am grateful for ...

By shirleyray


We were up early this morning. Tony was off to Las Vegas for a two day golf tournament, which meant Bunker and I took a long morning walk.

After getting home I was in the mood to wash some windows. The front doors, kitchen and all the back door windows were cleaned. Then I worked a bit in the secret garden, hung some pictures and sat in the sun, soaking up the Vitamin D. Ooooh, does that feel good.

Judy is on her way up. I have a few projects in mind, as well as a new area to explore that we drive by on the way to most of my shopping.  The weather should be perfect for a little hiking.

I am grateful for Judy's willingness to come up whenever Tony is out of town and she is available. I have to catch her now, she is booked for most of March.

Until tomorrow.....

So much better in large.....I wish they could fix this problem.

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