Yellow Fluffy-Ness

Mimosa This small tree has battled so much since last year when I bought it ,but here she is wearing her beautiful gown covered in pollen so I don't get to close it just looks fab even on a drab start of the day.
I have two hospital appointments today first at 10.30 for my feet had new insoles made for my shoes these help a lot with keeping my legs and knees in good order. then sadly I have the funeral of  my lovely Bobbin Lace Teacher Veronica Wright  that is at 2 pm at Wheely Crematorium , then I have to go back to colchester hospital for the results on my gum biopsy, in the same part of the hospital as this morning but on the top floor I did have the two appointments half hour apart  then had a call moving the second one to 4 pm.

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