By wellsforzoe

From Cape Town to Cork

21st February 2019

You noticed the Wells for Zoe logo on the spare?
This is the Land Rover of Mel and Jane from Cork and their family who are driving from Cape Town to West Cork promoting the brand!!!

Jane writes:

Hi again John
These photos were at the border crossing at Kasane, from Botswana into Zambia.
Absolutely crazy and stressful. We have done many borders but this has to be the worst experience.
Place crawling with Mr Fixit’s who are impossible to get rid of.  Unfortunately we were persuaded to use one, but we only thought to get our Landy on to the ferry but once on, we are surrounded by 7 of them promoting look after car etc whilst we get our paperwork done.
Funny they told me that I must stay in the vehicle for health and safety reasons so Mel drives on the ferry and then I walk on. Then once he was on the ferry the only way to get to the vehicle was to crawl under a truck!! 
So much for safety

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