
By EvelyneNC

Vom Eise befreit

Free of ice. That is a line in a poem but I forgot the title.
A wonderful walk in the park. Getting back into shape!

Does anyone remember how you can rip your blip journal from the computer? I did it in 2014, before Blip was threatened to disappear, but I forgot how I did it....

I googled that poem now and if you know one line, sure enough, there the whole thing pops up: It was written by J.W. Goethe, it is a monologue of Dr. Faustus and is called Easter walk (Osterspaziergang). Although I belong to the generation who had to learn poems in school by heart, this one did not belong to them, it is way too long. Strangely the first and the last line became famous quotations in the German language: The end says: Here I am a human being, here I am allowed to be that.

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