
Magnolia: Named after Pierre Magnol (1638-1715), French physician and botanist, professor of botany at Montpellier, who devised the systematic classification of plants. (Etymonline, Wikipedia).

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Mae'r tywydd braidd yn braf ar hyn o bryd.  Doeddwn i ddim yn disgwyl hynny pan ddaethon  ni'n ôl o Awstria - mae'n dal yn oer yna. Mae'n teimlo yn fwy fel mis Mai na mis Chwefror yma, ond rydw i wedi clywed bod tywydd stormus ar ei ffordd.

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The weather is rather nice at the moment. I did not expect that when we came back from Austria - it's still cold there. It feels more like May or February here, but I've heard that stormy weather is on its way.

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