Arnside and shed

I have two sheds although neither construction fits what you're most likely picturing. One is a summer house that my brother bought for my big girls when we first moved in, nearly twenty years ago. The other is little more than a wooden cupboard, which my ex bought while I was living in the cottages.

This smaller shed has given up the ghost quite spectacularly, this winter, with both the roof collapsing and a door coming off. Since this is where various bits of electrical kit live, including the lawnmower, we decided to replace it. The Minx found a garden centre in Milnthorpe with the "best selection of sheds in Cumbria" so that seemed an ideal place to start.

This morning, then, after dropping Dan at work, we drove back north from Morecambe, deciding to swing by Arnside for some pre-shed shopping breakfast. The place I wanted to go to appears to have been bought out and refurbished and that is where we had our respective bacon and egg and sausage and egg rolls. (Inevitably I posted a photo of the viaduct to Instagram but today's photo is the view in the other direction.)

After breakfast, we set off back to Milnthorpe. I couldn't imagine where the garden centre might be as the little town is not much more than houses, shops and a square based around a crossroads. In the end, I resorted to my phone to locate it, only to find that we'd driven past it on the was across from Arnside.

Anyway, when we finally did get there, it did turn out to offer quite an amazing collection of sheds. Quite apart from the size (and budget) we were looking at, there were potting sheds, summer houses, a sauna, and a huge beast with a barbecue come firepit in the middle: yours, installed, for only ten and a half thousand pounds!

Once we'd calmed down, we went back to the littler sheds and found a perfect replacement for our collapsed one. Job done!

-12.6 kgs
Reading: 'Matter' by Iain M Banks

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