Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Alternative Light Sources 6

...the security light in the back garden that comes on when I walk to the garage to put the washing in the tumble dryer.

It showed Jnr Jnr's attempt at the school sunflower growing competition from the summer this evening as I scuttled through the yard with the latest washing machine output. It hardly grew at all and wasn't even worth entering in the end. I never bothered to remove it during my Autumn clean-up and it is looking a bit worse for wear to say the least. If it weren't frozen solid it would be mush right now.

It's a bit brass monkey though, there's frost on the frost out there. Makes everything look very cool though. Been teaching in the morning and taking the whole school to the pantomime in Chesterfield in the afternoon, so you can only get a very darkened frosty subject today. Imagine it's in the bright sunshine and go "Oooooh!" at the lovely detail.

Ta for all the kind comments on yesterday's 500 :) You warmed m'cockles

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