Deer Chase

The view looking north from Harting Down as we walked Merlin this morning.  It was a walk of incidents, firstly when Merlin jumped out of the boot of the car unexpectedly and bounded around the field next to the car park until we managed to persuade him to return to us.  Then when he found a herd of Fallow deer in the woods and decided to make chase - we'd not seen them as the wood was dense thicket.  Fortunately he had the sense to retrace his steps to find us but he was gone for around 20 minutes and all sorts of dire situations started to run through my head.  After that excitement we returned home for a calming cup of tea!

This afternoon Andy is at his weekly golf lesson.  He started a short course a few weeks ago as he is keen to brush up on his skills and start playing again.  I'm at home doing some chores.  Its been a busy week and we've got rather a lot of domestic admin to do this weekend.  So, I am starting to work through the list of 'things to do' and then Andy will cook dinner - our Saturday night curry!  It is forecast to rain tomorrow so that will be a good incentive to stay in and get our jobs done.

Wishing you all well.

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