Pevensey Castle.

Today Mr C and I drove down to visit his great aunt and uncle who live near Bexhill. G uncle B had a fall in the new year and broke his hip (we had planned to go during half term but cancelled due to our bug). They are now both in their 90s and their sense of humour and wit is just brilliant. However, their bodies are really not doing so well. G aunt B has relied on her husband the last few years as she has severe arthritis but of course he’s not able to help her now. They have no children but are incredibly close to Mr Cs aunt and uncle who have been travelling down and staying with them for a few days every week since the accident. We took some M&S sandwiches, crisps and cakes for lunch. Mr Cs aunt and uncle arrived shortly before we were going to leave and we ended up staying just a little longer than planned but I could see GA and GU were flagging and looking tired so we made our exit but not before GU B very kindly gave us some money for the children. Incredibly generous.

On the way home we stopped off at Pevensey castle and used our English heritage cards to have a walk around. The wind picked up and had quite a chill to it. On the way home we picked Sim up, who has been on a course all weekend, and collected a Chinese takeaway for supper.

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