Morning view

If you’ve walked into Funchal from your hotel, or cruise ship, this is probably the view you’ll remember.

You’ll certainly spot the Cathedral. Don’t look for the Cable car to Monte - its too far to the right for this shot.

A quiet Sunday morning. The beautiful calm after the excitement and colours of last night’s Carnaval. I added a risqué shot to yesterday’s blip and there’s another Extra here.

You’ll look in vain for litter or traces of the festivities. You’d be hard pressed to find a single sequin after the hard work to keep this Paradise pristine.

Two cruise ships in. The language overheard is predominantly German (Mein Schiff 2...pretty enormous).

I love the service in the Cathedral at 11. I’m not Catholic and I don’t speak Portuguese, but it’s wonderful to join a welcoming enormous congregation in a historic building that has such a sense of spirituality and peace.

I had a delicious piece of salt baked cod for lunch, with a glass of wine, as I watched the world go by.

Tomorrow it will be back to disappointing weather and even worse politics......

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