Mugs away... my grandad always said when he'd just won a round of cribbage...
I was going to do my mugshot for Silly Saturday yesterday, but I thought I'd make the most of the better weather instead... the forecast sounded vile today, and so it was...
On the tray, the various mugs we use in a day - the Scrabble named ones were a present from my niece, and we use them for tea in bed in the morning, just so we know who we are for the rest of the day...
The back row is afternoon tea and morning & evening coffee; the middle two are for tea at lunchtime; and the front two are Fair Trade mugs which we use in the evening if we have a cuppa before we go to bed ;)
The teapot is a really traditional one, courtesy of Auntie Peggy - we always make tea in a pot - and the metal cafetiere is new today - I knocked the glass one over this morning ;( 
So there you have it - measuring out my day in mugs, rather than coffee spoons...

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