‘Are these shadows what give us form?’

More glaciation...
This is the wonderful hanging valley at Glencoyne. I just managed to stay dry(ish) mainly by deciding against pressing on to Sheffield Pike and heading back down to the relative protection of the woods at Seldom Seen.
The daffodils are already well on their way ...

It’s such a bloomin’ balance between getting jobs done and getting fresh air at the weekend...if I don’t, I know I will quickly go completely mad in the week. Whilst waiting for the wash to finish and hang out, I watched a link that Grace had sent to ‘The Sea is an Edge and an Ending’ - Lavinia Greenlaw’s difficult and painfully moving account in thought, feeling and words, of the loss of her father to dementia.

I wasn’t familiar with her and wasn’t sure I could face the subject but it was profoundly moving. Here is one of her poems..

On the Mountain

To travel the world explicit
in its fault and fold.

To enter the background
as each thought discards itself:

pine-needles to the tree-line,
scree beyond.

To move small, sleep low
and dream new depths

of emptiness and order.
To be troubled by neither.

The loosening air
concentrates your blood

and your heart has the simple grip
of speedwell or gentian.

You forget what it is
to elaborate or qualify.

You breathe
white against white sky.

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