Memoria Fotografica

By pippp

Yesterday eve a group of us 20s/30s from church headed down to Wexford for the weekend. We were staying at Ed Neill's parents' place. It's amazing (though very cold!)

Today we had a lazy morning with an amazing fry up for brunch. After looking at a bit of Colossians we then went for a walk to to beach. It's beautiful. Some of us played a bit of quick cricket (which resulted in a broken rib for Drew!) before heading back to the house for tea and cake. Some then went down to the pub to watch Ireland and South Africa play rugby.

When they came back we had a big meal of lasagna followed by chocolate tart, then we all relocated sit by the wood-burner and played some games. I got a good bit of knitting done in the process too. Baby's hat coming along nicely.

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