Another busy day.
Some sewing in the morning. Then started to trim Amadeus. After I reached the point when I needed another human member of the family. I gathered all the trimming stuff from outside and changed all hairy clothes I had on, and started to make lunch. Then lunch,then dogs out and then we continued to finish Amadeus' front paws and tummy. So two dogs out of 3 are now enjoying their summer shorts. And those two walk much actively.
After that I cut the other human member's hair. I've been wanting to do that for weeks. It's been so overgrown for so long. After that I did some pilates to release the tension I had in my back after all this trimming.
And after that we took a little visit to Clot to see the birds. We saw a flock of Egrets landing to one of the ponds. I took few nice pictures of that event, but really like this simple picture of a bird that I do not recognize. Please let me know if you know what it is.
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