
By Hamp5on

Chubby Chops

Asha's last day off school today, back to normal tomorrow. 
It started with Danny at the medical centre - he woke in a fair amount of pain...they've prescribed him a cocktail of pain relief and told him to rest.
We met Rich for a coffee about midday which was lovely.
Home for Asha's guitar lesson whilst Nate & I pottered and ended up here, in the playground.
Now I'm blipping whilst Danny has his video conference for his Masters. 

Drama of the day;
The boiler playing up again, the plumber said it needs to be replaced now...it's beyond hope. It's only 6 months old!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha having a few days off school.
2) Earring making with Asha this evening.
3) Fun in the park with this boy.

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