Storms, and rumours of storms.
The last "Storm" I was aware of was during the event.
I was lying, listening to Willy Wind making a RACKET around the house and thinking "Hmmm sounds a bit draughty.", having, actually, not heard the mention of its impending arrival.
This was no exception.
Well, in a way it was inasmuch as I didn't HEAR any undue wind.
Yesterday I got to Dumfries in the dry & sunny. Once inside weather didn't matter, but light levels suggested all was sunny.
Maybe about 1/2 way back it got "a bit damp". I remembered I'd left the snowdrop compost mix out in Alice's HUGE S/S bowl.
"It'll be reet, Stainless steel'll take no hurt with rain I needn't get wet fetching it in, or putting gauge out." (I wish NOW, I had, if just for the guage aspect.) - TRUE - doesn't say the same however for the contents. They'll dry, of course, but I'll have to employ a sieve to catch the Perlite. ;¬)
My existing Rainguage got a crack & can no longer be relied on for accuracy. Behold its replacement (an impulse buy if ever there was one); AND the exceedingly rare wording:-
"British Made." - bought in Scotland, but who the hell cares??
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